Do you love the FBA? Not in comparison, say, to your spouse, partner, children, or pets – but in a…
Philia (affectionate love for friends/colleagues),
Storge (familiar love for your professional “home”), or even
Philautia (self-love for constantly improving and prioritizing your professional development)
… kind of way?
February 14th is the second-largest card-giving day of the year behind Christmas, and there’s an easy way this Valentine’s Day to “Show Your Love” for the FBA: through investing in our Centennial Fund and the variety of objectives and initiatives the fund will support as we kick off our next 100 years.
One such objective is increased Diversity and Inclusion efforts in our services and programming. Here are some ways your giving supports these efforts:
The Foundation is creating a brand-new scholarship to promote diversity in the legal profession: encouraging racial and ethnic minority students to pursue a legal education and complete law school.
The FBA is creating a standing committee on diversity and inclusion, which will be responsible for coordinating and advancing the Association’s diversity and inclusion initiatives in implementation of policies or action plans adopted by the Board of Directors.
Goals for these initiatives include:
Engaging in ongoing and effective communication with diverse legal communities about what the FBA does (its mission, activities, programs, and opportunities) and why it is important (the value proposition).
Increasing the diversity of the FBA’s membership.
Increasing the diversity of the FBA’s leadership.
Integrating our commitment to diversity and inclusion throughout the infrastructure of the FBA.
Leveraging and building external partnerships to advance diversity and inclusion in the FBA.
We can’t celebrate 100 years of the Federal Bar Association without acknowledging the legacy that has been left by the tens of thousands of members who have participated in supporting the FBA over the past 100 years; the ways they’ve invested have made the association what it is today.
Make your mark and leave a “love note” to future generations; if you haven’t yet invested in the Centennial Fund, do so today.